Saturday 30 July 2011

Reaksi Melihat Harga Emas

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Hari ni GCPK nak cerita pasal reaksi antara pemilik emas dan bukan pemilik emas bila tengok harga emas.. Enjoy..

Reaksi Pemilik Emas
Apabila harga emas naik:
Wah, best nya!!! Harga emas naik!!! Untung dah ni.. Memang berbaloi beli emas.. Nak beli emas lagi lah.. Nanti confirm naik lagi..

Apabila harga emas turun:
Yay! Harga emas turun!!! Masa untuk borong emas.. Peluang keemasan ni!!!

Reaksi Bukan Pemilik Emas
Apabila harga emas naik:
Alamak, naik pulak harga emas.. Mahal la.. Takpelah, tunggu harga turun sikit baru beli..

Apabila harga emas turun:
Ok, dah turun dah harga emas, tapi still mahal la.. Tunggu harga emas turun lagi lah..
Alamak, harga emas dah turun.. Bahaya ni.. Tak confident pulak nak beli emas.. Wait and see je lah..


Pemilik emas + celik emas = happy & positive (tak kira harga emas tengah naik ataupun turun) = akan mendapat keuntungan dalam jangkamasa yang panjang..

Bukan pemilik emas + zero knowledge pasal emas = sentiasa skeptical tentang kelebihan emas dan mungkin tidak akan memiliki emas = kekayaan akan terhakis in a long run

So, anda nak termasuk dalam golongan yang mana satu??? Jika anda nak melindungi kekayaan anda dan mahukan masa depan yang lebih terjamin, simpanlah emas.. Tapi jika anda rela wang anda dihakis inflasi dan melihat nilai wang anda itu jatuh, tak perlulah memiliki emas.. Pilihan di tangan anda.. Bertindaklah dengan bijak, ok.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Krisis Kewangan Amerika Syarikat

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat pembaca setia blog GCPKenyalang.. Kali ini, nak kongsi bersama para pembaca artikel nie pasal Tun Mahathir mengenai Amerika Syarikat.... GCPKenyalang agak suka dengan Tun sebab beliau agak berterus terang dan berkasar sikit kalau berkaitan dengan Amerika Syarikat ni. Kalau ada benda dia tak suka, memang dia hentam"kaw kaw" je kat Amerika Syarikat ni. Saya rasa, semua presiden dan perdana menteri Amerika Syarikat takut dengan Tun Mahathir.

KUALA LUMPUR 23 Jun – Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad berkata, Amerika Syarikat (AS) kini sebenarnya sudah bankrap tetapi menafikannya kerana beranggapan ia masih menjadi kuasa besar ekonomi dunia.
Berikutan itu, beliau melabelkan AS sebagai sebuah negara yang gagal di dalam ekonominya.
”AS sebenarnya sebuah negara yang gagal kerana bankrap, mencatatkan defisit berganda dan wang yang mereka ada pun adalah wang cetak.
”Tapi AS masih mahu menyangkal kedudukan mereka (bankrap),” katanya ketika menyampaikan ucaptama di CEO Forum anjuran Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana di sini hari ini.
Secara sinikal Mahathir berkata, seandainya Malaysia mengalami kedudukan ekonomi yang sama seperti AS, sudah lama negara ini diisytiharkan bankrap.
Bagi menutup kelemahan mereka, AS terus sibuk memperjuangkan demokrasi liberal di Iraq, Afghanistan dan terbaharu di Libya.
Beliau berkata, negara-negara kaya selalu berada dalam radar persaingan sesama sendiri tetapi masih gagal untuk bersaing dengan negara-negara yang baru muncul.
”Negara-negara kaya ini selalu mendesak supaya negara-negara lain melakukan perubahan dan sasaran mereka adalah negara-negara kecil dan miskin.
”Tetapi, apabila melihat keadaan ekonomi negara-negara itu sekarang, nampaknya mereka juga tidak tahu untuk menguruskan kewangan mereka.
”Kegagalan mereka (kendalikan kewangan) menyebabkan negara-negara kecil turut merasai krisis ekonomi yang berpunca daripada mereka,” tambahnya.
Sambil memberi contoh, Mahathir berkata, selain AS, Greece masih lagi dibelenggu dengan krisis hutangnya.
”Satu-satunya negara yang tidak menerima kesan daripada apa yang berlaku di negara-negara kaya ialah China.
”Sebaliknya, dengan kekayaan yang dimiliki China sekarang, negara itu mampu membeli bon-bon di AS,” tambah beliau.
Artikel tersebut bertarikh 23 Jun 2011 dan sekarang pulak, Amerika Syarikat berdepan pula dengan krisis kewangan yang semakin meruncing.... Semua pihak tertumpu dengan tarikh keramat 2hb Ogos ini apabila US Treasury mengumumkan bahawa mereka tidak mampu lagi untuk membayar semua hutang akibat daripada kehabisan wang.... Senang cerita, bankrap lah.... 

Situasi ini di diburukkan lagi dengan pihak Demokrat dan Republikan masing-masing belum lagi mencapai kata sepakat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini... Seperti yang kita ketahui, Pihak Demokrat (Presiden Obama) ingin menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan melakukan spending cut dianggarkan sebanyak USD100 Billion serta meningkatkan revenue dengan menaikkan cukai terhadap syarikat-syarikat korporat. Dengan cara ini, siling hutang sebanyak USD14.6 Trillion tidak perlu diubah dan Amerika Syarikat mempunyai masa sehingga 2013 untik membetulkan keadaan.... Pihak Republikan pula bertegas untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan melakukan spending cut tanpa menaikkan cukai terhadap syarikat-syarikat korporat serta menaikkan siling hutang sebanyak USD2.7 Trillion..... Sekiranya cara ini dilaksanakan, maka Amerika Syarikat hanya mempunyai masa sehingga 2012 untuk memulihkan ekonomi.... 
Harga emas pula terus menunjukkan trend bullish yang memberangsangkan akibat dari kebimbangan para pelabur terhadap situasi yang melanda Amerika Syarikat..... Ramai yang menjangkakan bahawa harga emas akan terus meningkat secara mendadak sekiranya Amerika Syarikat diisytiharkan bankrap minggu depan.... Kalau macam nie lah cerita nya... untunglah kepada sesapa yang beli emas minggu nie....

Sekiranya pihak Demokrat dan Republikan mampu mencapai kata sepakat, maka harga emas dijangka turun..... whenever an agreement is reached, there will be a price correction in gold.... 

Namun, harus diingatkan juga bahawa krisis kewangan bukan sahaja tertumpu di Amerika Syarikat sahaja.... Eropah pula juga dengan masalah nya yang tersendiri.... Baru-baru ini, EU telah menyelamatkan Greece dengan melakukan "bail-out" untuk kali kedua terhadap Greece dalam usahanya untuk menstabilkan nilai matawang Euro.... Malangnya, negara seperti Itali dan Sepanyol juga dilihat bakal menerima nasib yang sama seperti Greece akibat daripada hutang lapuk yang tidak terbayar.... 

Di sini, GCPK dapat simpulkan bahawa sekiranya Amerika Syarikat mampu untuk menyelesaikan hutang siling mereka, penyelesaian tersebut hanyalah untuk jangkamasa yang pendek sahaja.... Harga emas dijangka akan turun namun untuk sementara sahaja.... Ini adalah disebabkan oleh ekonomi Eropah yang semakin meruncing.... tambah lagi sekarang, permintaan emas pula semakin meningkat tertamanya dari negara China dan India..... Baru-baru ini, negara Arab juga berminat untuk menambahkan lagi simpanan emas mereka.... Disebabkan oleh kesedaran akan kepentingan emas dalam menstabilkan ekonomi sesebuah negara.....

So, buat para pembaca..... buat apa tunggu lagi.... startlah mengumpul emas..... tak payah tunggu harga emas jatuh..... Sekarang harga emas dah mencecah USD1,627.2.... Jangan baru nak beli emas bila harga emas meningkat USD2,000 per auns.... Fikir-fikirkan lah..... Wassalam....

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Silly Reasons Not to Invest in Gold

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat para pembaca setia blog GCP Kenyalang.... Kali ni GCPK nak kongsi satu artikel yang GCPK baca.... interesting gak.... Just for your reading pleasure....

Silly Reasons Not to Invest in Gold

We are currently bullish on gold. We would not consider ourselves gold bugs or perma-bulls. Sometimes we think gold prices go up, sometimes down, sometimes sideways and we place trades to reflect our view at the time. The purpose of this article is not to place gold on an altar and worship it; we are simply aiming to dispel some of the mythical reasons put forward by gold perma-bears as to why one should not invest in the yellow metal. Once these reasons are eliminated from one's analysis, then one can form a more accurate view on whether gold prices are going up or down. Keeping these arguments in one’s decision-making process will only make for distorted analysis.

We scoured the internet looking for reasons not to invest in gold and now present the reasons that we think should be eliminated from the bearish side of the debate.

The most ignorant reason we could find not to invest in gold was that apparently gold can be easily manipulated. According to this bizarre argument, “unlike paper currency that is impossible to manipulate in any way, gold can be accumulated by a group of connected buyers for the sole purpose of eliminating supply from the market.” The author then went on to cite Nelson Bunker Hunt’s attempt to corner the market as an example.

We will concede that a driver behind silver hitting $50 in 1980 was largely due to Hunt’s efforts to corner the market. We will also concede that central banks could dump their gold holdings on the market and this would decrease the price. However, saying that paper currency is impossible to manipulate is one of the most preposterous things we have ever heard. Paper currencies are designed so that they can be manipulated by central banks. The central bank controls the supply of and interest rate earned on the currency. Gold has no interest rate, so cannot be manipulated in this way. Gold is also in limited supply and cannot be printed at will by central banks.

In the interest of putting the author’s arguments into context, they were written in March 2009 and gold prices have increased more than 50% since then.

Another amateur argument against gold is that for some 20 years (1980-2001), gold prices did nothing and anyone who had invested in gold would have lost money. Anyone who uses this argument clearly does not understand one of the fundamental features of financial markets. Markets are cyclical in nature and assets undergo both bull and bear markets. To put this as simply as we can, prices can go up or down.

To say that gold did nothing for a 20-year period and therefore is not worth investing in now (ignoring its terrific performance in the last 10 years and the bull market that preceded 1980) is ridiculous. Market conditions change constantly. Sometimes they are bearish for prices, sometimes they are bullish. One must assess these conditions to form a view, not just extrapolate a trend from a handpicked segment of time.

Perhaps a more reasonable argument for not investing in gold is that it provides no income. In fact it almost always costs the investor to hold gold. This is sometimes referred to as negative carry. By purchasing gold the investor has forgone the interest that his/her money could have earned in the bank. They may also have to pay storage costs for physical bullion or a management fee for a gold ETF or other fund. However in today’s market environment, the interest foregone is minimal and some may even consider it negligible.

For example, instead of investing in gold one could have instead bought a risk free asset such US Government Bond. But with 2 year Treasuries yielding just 0.35%, is it really that big of a deal?

The point is that although it will cost you to own gold, this cost is dwarfed by the capital gains that one could enjoy. One does not invest in gold for a stream of income, as one might invest in stocks or bonds. Given that gold gained around 30% in 2010, chances are you shouldn’t be too concerned about forgoing the interest that money could have earned in the bank nor dividends that could have been earned in the stock market.

One of the most common anti-gold arguments put forward by those who do not understand gold is that one should not invest in gold because it has no utility. Oil can be used as fuel, corn can be eaten, steel can build bridges and buildings, but apparently all gold is really good for is looking pretty and a few dentistry applications. The major oversight here is that although gold may have some attributes that apply to commodities, it’s primarily function is as an alternative, independent, impartial currency.

The very fact that it doesn’t have many uses makes it a suitable currency substitute. Oil cannot be a currency, as one day we will run out of it. Corn cannot be a currency, as we grow and consume corn so there is not a stable amount in circulation. Metals such as copper are not suitable, as they are often “used up” in industries such as construction (here we are using the phrase “used up” to indicate that copper would either be inside walls as wires so it cannot be removed and traded, or has been used in the manufacturing of a product where the cost of recovering the copper is higher that the market value).

The very fact that it doesn’t have many uses makes it a suitable currency substitute. Oil cannot be a currency, as one day we will run out 

A classic argument for not buying gold would be that it has gone up significantly over the past decade. People do not want to buy when prices are high, they want to buy when prices are low. This is a reasonable argument. However following that theory, all those who subscribe to it would have been buying gold in the late nineties and over the turn of the decade, therefore they would have enjoyed significant profits to this point. But the reality often is that those who use this argument have never owned gold.

Gold’s value comes from the same fundamentals from which other currencies derive their value. It’s a function of purchasing power, global interest rates and inflation. Gold can even be thought of as a currency where the central bank that controls it has set interest rates are zero forever and fixed the money supply forever. In an uncertain world, the certainty surrounding gold makes it a strong currency.

Perhaps the most famous reason not to own gold comes from perhaps the most famous investor of our time; Warren Buffett, an outstanding investor with a stellar reputation; we do not wish to take any credit away from his remarkable achievements. However, Buffett shuns gold as an investment as he believes it has no utility. We would agree that gold has not utility in that it cannot be made into energy like oil or eaten like corn, but that is not the point. Gold is more a currency than a commodity. So how much utility do British pounds have? Or US dollars? Or yen? They have no more utility than gold. One cannot eat or use any of these currencies, so how are they different from gold? Would Buffett refuse to hold any currency since they have no utility? Of course not, but he would not view gold as a currency.

So whether you are bullish, bearish or neutral on gold prices, we would suggest that you take these reasons out of any analysis you are doing. These reasons are irrelevant and those who use them really do not have a solid understanding of the dynamics of the gold market. If you have a bearish view on gold and it does not include any of the reasons above, then that is fine. We are bullish on gold, but we could be wrong and everyone is entitled to their view. However in our opinion using these reasons as an argument not to own gold will result in distorted analysis and an invalid conclusion.

We will concede that other currencies pay interest, but they interest is minimal in the current environment. Gold is a store of value. Gold is a currency. Gold has no utility, which is what makes it a suitable alternative currency.

Bilakah Masa yang Sesuai untuk Membeli Emas???

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

GCPK percaya ramai yang bertanyakan soalan di atas.. Bila nak beli emas??? Sekarang ke ataupun tunggu bila harga turun??? So, di sini GCPK nak share satu artikel yang menarik yang mungkin akan dapat memberikan jawapan kepada anda..


When is the best time to buy gold?

Many people ask when is the best time to buy gold as the price keeps changing, almost on an hourly basis. Currently the gold price is on an upward trend and sometimes there is a "trend" either upward or downward. You see on the news each day the price of gold fluctuating. Usually measured in terms of the US dollar per ounce.

But what is really happening here?

What does this really mean?

Gold Trends

The gold trend goes up and down in relation to the value of the dollar. The value of gold does not actually change very much at all. In fact if you checked back through history you would see that the value of gold over the past 200 years has hardly changed at all compared to the value of other goods. One ounce of gold today will purchase almost the same amount of goods as it did 50 years ago. The only change is actually the value of the currency not the gold. Inflation, recession (to use a popular word), all affect the value of the fiscal currency but generally do not affect gold.

The value of one ounce of gold, for example in the year 1800 was around $19-20US per ounce. These days it is in the 900 plus per ounce range, and rising. The large fluctuation as a direct result of the value of the decreasing.

The Value of Gold

A good example of the decrease in the value of the dollar, despite, or perhaps because of it, is the increase in the quantity of dollars being printed, According to the consumer price index What cost $20 in 1800 would cost 216.86 dollars in 2005. Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2005 and 1800, they would cost you $20 and $1.85 cents respectively.

If the government decided top return to the gold standard and back every dollar by gold, there is so much printed dollars floating around now that it would take a good 50,000 dollars per ounce to ensure each dollar is backed by gold.

This could still happen and the government can still bring back the 1933 legislation to stop US citizens from owning gold if they wished. It would be very difficult to enforce and administer of course but there are other ways to do so. Buy back the gold using more printed money which becomes even of less value in terms of buying goods and services.

Michael Kosares, of USA Gold, notes the severe declining power of the US dollar in "Disturbing Trends".

And then, in stark contrast is the value of gold going up as the dollar goes down.


This explains why people purchase more gold during a recession when the value of the dollar (or whatever other fiscal currency they use) decreases in value. The value of the gold does not. Gold keeps it’s value and has done so for hundreds of years in fact.

When to Buy Gold
So what is the answer to the question. When is the best time to buy gold?

The best time to buy gold is right NOW! In fact it is always the best time to buy gold. If you were to purchase a small amount of gold bullion each month for the next 5 years, you would still beat inflation hands down.


Untuk pengetahuan semua, artikel ini telah ditulis pada 23 Mac 2006.. Imagine masa tu harga emas baru je around US$600/oz.. Sekarang harga emas dah mencapai US$1,622/oz.. Kalaulah kita semua dah celik emas 5 tahun lepas kan??? Tapi takpe, better late than never..

Jadi lepas baca artikel tersebut anda dah tahu kan bila nak beli emas??? Anytime is the best time.. Imagine kalau anda beli sekarang, agak-agak berapa harga emas in the next 5 years??? Fikir-fikirkanlah dan buat keputusan yang bijak..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Emas Lepasi Paras AS$1,600 Seauns (BH - 19/07/2011)

Berita Harian (19/07/2011)
Oleh Mahanum Abdul Aziz

Pelabur alih tumpuan berikutan bimbang krisis hutang di Eropah, AS berlarutan

HARGA emas melonjak melepasi paras AS$1,600 seauns semalam, iaitu paras tertinggi dalam sejarah, berikutan belian berterusan pelabur yang mengalihkan pelaburan kepada logam berharga itu kerana bimbang masalah hutang semakin meruncing di Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat (AS).
Harga komoditi itu terus mengukuh dalam sesi dagangan pagi semalam dengan melonjak ke paras AS$1,600.10 seauns di Pasaran Jongkong London selepas menyaksikan arah aliran meningkat sejak Jumaat.

Ketua Penyelidik di Affin Investment Bank, Dr Nazri Khan, berkata ketidaktentuan terhadap penyelesaian masalah hutang di Eropah serta AS menyebabkan pelabur mengalih tumpuan terhadap emas kerana logam berharga itu dianggap sebagai pelaburan paling selamat ketika krisis.

Beliau berkata, harga emas dijangka meneruskan arah aliran menaik dengan potensi untuk mencecah AS$1,650 seauns dalam jangka sederhana dan AS$2,000 seauns dalam tempoh dua tahun.

“Kelemahan dolar AS dan euro berikutan kebimbangan masalah hutang yang semakin meruncing di negara ekonomi terbesar dunia dan rantau mata wang tunggal itu menyebabkan pelabur memilih untuk melabur dalam emas, sekali gus melonjakkan harganya,” katanya kepada Berita Harian semalam.

Beliau berkata, pelabur semakin bimbang dengan perkembangan terkini di AS selepas Presiden Barack Obama dan Parti Republikan terpaksa bekerja keras pada hujung minggu lalu bagi mencapai persetujuan menaikkan paras siling hutang negara itu.

Nazri berkata, kebimbangan pelabur kemungkinan krisis hutang di Eropah akan merebak ke Itali dan Sepanyol telah menyebabkan mata wang euro didagangkan lemah dan keadaan itu mendorong peningkatan permintaan untuk emas.

Kelmarin, Senat parti campuran bercadang membuktikan paras hutang AS dapat dikurangkan jika ia memperoleh hasil sebanyak AS$1.5 trilion hasil potongan perbelanjaan untuk tempoh sedekad.

Jika kedua-dua pihak tidak dapat mencapai persetujuan menjelang tarikh akhir pada 2 Ogos ini, ekonomi terbesar dunia itu mungkin berdepan isu kegagalan membayar hutangnya.

Ia adalah senario yang digambarkan Obama sebagai ‘kehancuran ekonomi’, sekali gus akan memberi kesan ketara pada peringkat global.

Krisis zon Euro juga terus berlanjutan berikutan penggubal dasar masih gagal memperoleh pelan penyelamat kedua untuk Greece.

Kenyataan terkini Presiden Bank Pusat Eropah (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet bahawa ECB tidak dapat menerima kegagalan penebusan semula bon sebagai cagaran telah membimbangkan pelabur.

Sebelum ini terdapat laporan mengatakan harga emas dijangka meneruskan aliran meningkatnya sehingga mencecah AS$2,100 seaun atau AS$67.5 (RM202.57) segram menjelang 2014, susulan permintaan kukuh pengguna dan pelabur.

Akhir tahun lalu, harga emas ditutup pada AS$1,421.40 seauns, naik kira-kira 31 peratus berbanding 2009 didorong permintaan berterusan dari China dan jangkaan spekulator bahawa mereka akan meraih untung lebih daripadanya.

Monday 18 July 2011

FGJAM Price Update (18 July 2011)

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Untuk makluman anda, FGJAM dah naikkan lagi recommended retail price untuk emas.. Sekarang harga untuk emas 999 dah jadi Rm183/g. Wow!!! So, kalau anda beli kat kedai-kedai emas, expect harga dalam range tu.. Tapi, kalau anda beli dari GCPK, anda boleh dapat gold bar serendah RM170/g dan barang kemas serendah RM174.30/g.. Yang mana satu pilihan anda???

Start your gold collection now!!! Lindungi wang anda.. Beli emas!!! Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Friday 15 July 2011

Cool Down...

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Dah tengok harga emas hari ni? Dah turun sikit kan? Nak tau kenapa? Teruskan membaca...

  • Gold took a breather on Friday, after setting record highs for two consecutive sessions, as dashed hopes for additional U.S. stimulus measures took some heat off.
  • U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke backed off hints on stimulus in the near term.
  • Now it seems that QE3 is not realistic -- flooding the economy with cheap cash probably won't help labor market recover much further, and will bring a lot of pressure from other governments.
Rabu lepas Bernanke cakap ada possibility of more stimulus, and that's why harga emas naik gila gila..  So sekarang macam tak jadi pulak, and so harga emas turun sikit..

Whatever it is, arguments between Obama dan Republicans tentang hutang US still tak settle lagi.. Krisis ekonomi di Europe pun masih teruk jugak.. So, possibility untuk harga emas mencecah paras US$1,600 still cerah..

Since harga emas dah rendah sikit ni, tak nak beli emas ke??? Tepuk dada, tanya selera.. Kalau nak beli tu, roger je GCPK.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Thursday 14 July 2011


Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Wah, senyum besar GCPK hari ni bila tengok harga emas.. Pecah rekod!!! Harga emas dah mencapai paras US$1,591.30.. Kepada pemilik emas sekalian, GCPK yakin anda tentu tersenyum lebar juga..

Based on news daripada Bloomberg, harga emas melonjak tinggi sebab ramai yang nak protect kekayaan mereka due to krisis ekonomi yang teruk di US & Europe.. Same old news.. So, the only way to protect their wealth is to invest in gold..

Kepada yang belum beli emas tu, cepat cepat la beli.. Start with 1 Dinar pun ok.. Ambik feel dulu.. Kalau hari ni beli mahal, esok lusa lagi mahal, and next year bertambah tambah tambah mahal.. Betul tak? Well, seperti yang GCPK pernah mention, kenaikan harga emas is 20%-30% per year.. Kalau tak start kumpul emas sekarang, bila lagi??? And kalau emas dah sampai paras US$2,000, confirm menyesal tak sudah.. Betul tak?

So, jika anda ingin menjadi pelabur yang bijak dan nak melindungi kekayaan anda, lock harga dengan GCPK sekarang.. Insyaallah, diskaun yang menarik menanti anda..

"Gold is the real wealth".. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Inflasi!!! China Borong Emas!!!

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Ok, jom kita baca pasal inflasi di China dan lihat apakah langkah yang telah diorang ambil ..
  • Dengar cerita orang Greece sekarang dah start beli emas sebab risau dengan sistem perbankan diorang. Tapi, sebenarnya orang China yang tengah beli emas secara besar-besaran.
  • Inflasi sedang melanda China. Sabtu lepas China telah mengumumkan yang kadar inflasi mereka telah melonjak ke paras tertinggi dalam masa 3 tahun iaitu sebanyak 6.4% pada bulan Jun walaupun kadar interest telah dinaikkan sebanyak 5 kali since October.
  • Sekarang, Chinese ada option untuk menukarkan akaun simpanan mereka kepada emas di bank, dan mereka sedang mengambil peluang keemasan ini.
  • Dianggarkan China akan mengatasi India sebagai pembeli emas terbesar dunia tidak lama lagi.
  • Pembelian emas mereka telah meningkat double digits setiap tahun untuk sedekad lepas, dan dianggarkan akan meningkat sebanyak 10% - 15% tahun ini.
See what the Chinese are doing to protect their wealth??? Beli dan beli dan beli emas.. Anda bila lagi???

Analyst emas merasakan bahawa kita dah berada dekat dengan a turning point. Jika harga emas dapat melepasi US$1,560/oz, ia akan mencapai paras US$2,000 very quickly.

Kesimpulannya, dalam 2 patah perkataan yang amat bermakna... BUY GOLD!!! Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Monday 11 July 2011

Naik Naik Naik...

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Dah tengok harga emas hari ni? At the time of writing, harga emas dah mencecah US$1,553.80.. Kan dah cakap last week, minggu ni confirm naik.. Ni semua gara-gara krisis hutang yang berterusan di EU dan US..

Kalau tak silap, looking at trend harga emas, normally ia akan terus naik dan naik starting August.. So, anda tak nak tambah collection emas anda ke? Dan kepada yang baru  nak menjebakkan diri dengan emas tu, cepat-cepat la beli emas.. Lindungi kekayaan anda.. Sememangnya emas ialah kekayaan yang sebenar..

So, kepada yang nak beli emas tu, lock harga dengan GCPK sekarang.. Diskaun menarik menanti anda.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Saturday 9 July 2011

Harga Emas 1/7 dan 8/7/2011

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Lama dah GCPK tak post entry kat blog ni cos bulan lepas GCPK busy sikit.. Well, jom kita tengok harga emas minggu ni..

1/7/2011 - US$1,483.00/oz
8/7/2011 - US$1,544.20/oz

Wow wee, ramai yang berebut-rebut beli emas awal minggu ni.. Tahniah GCPK ucapkan sebab dapat beli emas pada harga yang amat menarik.. Kenapa harga emas melonjak Jumaat lepas?? Sebab US baru je keluarkan June employment report.. US Labor Department expect peningkatan sebanyak 125,000 untuk peluang pekerjaan.. Turns out 18,000 je peningkatan.. With this, harga emas pun naik.. Economy tak bagus..

Dengar cerita next week harga emas akan naik lagi.. Kenapa??? Ni pulak sebab kekecohan politik yang berterusan tentang peningkatan hutang siling US..

Jadi, apa tunggu lagi? Beli emas sekarang.. Lock harga dengan GCPK.. Confirm anda puas hati.. No regrets.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..