Jom kita lihat naik turun harga emas sepanjang tahun 2011...
A - February 02, 2011 (US$1,342.4/oz)
Anti-government protests continue in Egypt, with more than 200,000 people convene in Cairo's main square, calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave power after 30 years.
B - March 04, 2011 (US$1,434.6/oz)
Fear of a US government shutdown looms. Market concerned that the Federal Reserve policy makers may end $600B in Treasury purchases in June, without gradually pulling back on intervention in bond markets.
C - April 07, 2011 (US$1,466.2/oz)
European Central Bank raises interest rates to 1.25%.
D - May 09, 2011 (US$1,527.7/oz)
Al-Qaida vowed to keep fighting the United States and avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, which it acknowledged for the first time Friday in an Internet statement apparently designed to convince followers that it will remain vigorous and intact even after its founder's demise.
E - August 01, 2011 (US$1,633.1/oz)
Negotiations to raise the U.S. government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit or otherwise risk default come down to the wire.
F - August 08, 2011 (US$1,721.7/oz)
S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating from AAA status.
G - August 22, 2011 (US$1,906.8/oz)
Equity markets deteriorated further as glum economic data from the past several days weighed on indices and subdued investors' appetite for risk. Market participants continue to seek safety under the auspices of gold, treasury bonds and sovereign currency (much to the dismay of Switzerland and Japan).
H - September 21, 2011 (US$1,817.8/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve launches $400bn 'Operation Twist' to try to drive down long-term interest rates and to reinvigorate the economy. The central bank said that it would buy $400bn of long-dated Treasuries, financed by the sale of an equal amount of bonds with three years or less to run.
I - November 30, 2011 (US$1,752.1/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve coordinates move by six central banks to give European lenders cheaper access to dollars and help ease credit squeeze.
J - December 08, 2011 (US$1,757.8/oz)
ECB cuts interest rates 25 basis points; --Europe moves towards greater economic euro zone fiscal integration at crucial summit but left markets uncertain as to whether and when more decisive action would be taken to deal with the region's critical sovereign debt crisis.
Jika anda perasan, harga emas sekarang hanya sekitar US$1,550/oz.. The best time to buy and tambahkan stok emas.. Jika berminat, boleh hubungi GCP Kenyalang di 016-8691581 @ 013-9227122.. Pelbagai koleksi emas ada.. Nak gold bar 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 916 ada.. Nak dinar 999 ada.. Nak beli gold bar serendah 1g pun ada.. In short, semua ada lah.. Tinggal nak pilih je.. Apa lagi, hubungi GCPK sekarang!!!