Thursday, 29 December 2011

Naik Turun Harga Emas Sepanjang Tahun 2011

Assalamualaikum semua,
Jom kita lihat naik turun harga emas sepanjang tahun 2011...


A - February 02, 2011 (US$1,342.4/oz)
Anti-government protests continue in Egypt, with more than 200,000 people convene in Cairo's main square, calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave power after 30 years.

B - March 04, 2011 (US$1,434.6/oz)
Fear of a US government shutdown looms. Market concerned that the Federal Reserve policy makers may end $600B in Treasury purchases in June, without gradually pulling back on intervention in bond markets.

C - April 07, 2011 (US$1,466.2/oz)
European Central Bank raises interest rates to 1.25%.

D - May 09, 2011 (US$1,527.7/oz)
Al-Qaida vowed to keep fighting the United States and avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, which it acknowledged for the first time Friday in an Internet statement apparently designed to convince followers that it will remain vigorous and intact even after its founder's demise.

E - August 01, 2011 (US$1,633.1/oz)
Negotiations to raise the U.S. government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit or otherwise risk default come down to the wire.

F - August 08, 2011 (US$1,721.7/oz)
S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating from AAA status.

G - August 22, 2011 (US$1,906.8/oz)
Equity markets deteriorated further as glum economic data from the past several days weighed on indices and subdued investors' appetite for risk. Market participants continue to seek safety under the auspices of gold, treasury bonds and sovereign currency (much to the dismay of Switzerland and Japan).

H - September 21, 2011 (US$1,817.8/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve launches $400bn 'Operation Twist' to try to drive down long-term interest rates and to reinvigorate the economy. The central bank said that it would buy $400bn of long-dated Treasuries, financed by the sale of an equal amount of bonds with three years or less to run.

I - November 30, 2011 (US$1,752.1/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve coordinates move by six central banks to give European lenders cheaper access to dollars and help ease credit squeeze.

J - December 08, 2011 (US$1,757.8/oz)
ECB cuts interest rates 25 basis points; --Europe moves towards greater economic euro zone fiscal integration at crucial summit but left markets uncertain as to whether and when more decisive action would be taken to deal with the region's critical sovereign debt crisis.


Jika anda perasan, harga emas sekarang hanya sekitar US$1,550/oz.. The best time to buy and tambahkan stok emas.. Jika berminat, boleh hubungi GCP Kenyalang di 016-8691581 @ 013-9227122.. Pelbagai koleksi emas ada.. Nak gold bar 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 916 ada.. Nak dinar 999 ada.. Nak beli gold bar serendah 1g pun ada.. In short, semua ada lah.. Tinggal nak pilih je.. Apa lagi, hubungi GCPK sekarang!!!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Kenapa Harga Emas Jatuh???

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

GCPK rasa mesti ramai yang tertanya-tanya kenapa harga emas sekarang tengah jatuh mendadak.. Bukankah dengan keadaan krisis ekonomi yang teruk di Eropah harga emas sepatutnya menaik??? Well, this is not the case.. Kenapa? Sebab sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa harga emas akan jatuh everytime kerajaan bertindak untuk menangani krisis ekonomi..

Di bawah ni ada artikel yang mungkin dapat menjelaskan kenapa harga emas jatuh ketika krisis ekonomi...


Investors who bought gold as a hedge against the crisis in Europe may be surprised that the price of gold is falling so rapidly. Shouldn’t the prospect of concerted action by central banks to stem a crisis in Europe send gold soaring?

Not really. A bit of history shows that gold falls when governments act to stem a financial crisis.
Take a look at what happened to gold in 2008. Here's the one-year chart for 2008, courtesy of Kitco.

There were a lot of people back then who were caught off-guard. They thought gold was the ultimate hedge against the government “printing money” in reaction to a financial meltdown. But it didn't work like that.
Gold reached its high for the year just as Bear Stearns collapsed and had to be rescued by a deal arranged by the government, which sold the firm to JPMorgan Chase [JPM 31.76 0.25 (+0.79%) ] . On March 17, gold ended the day in London at $1,011.25. If you were holding gold as a hedge against financial collapse right then you probably felt pretty good.
Then something funny happened. On March 18, the Federal Reserve [cnbc explains] cut interest rates 75 basis points. It also created the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, which allowed investment banks to trade highly rated mortgage backed securities [cnbc explains] for cash.
Obviously, this was the Fed debasing the currency to rescue banks. So gold should soar.
But that’s not what happened. On March 19, gold dropped by almost 5 percent, closing at $958.50. Then the price of gold just kept falling throughout the spring of 2008. When the Fed announced another interest rate cut on April 30, gold fell all the way down to $853.00.
That’s more than a 15 percent decline from the pre-Bear highs.
The summer of 2008 saw gold bounce a bit as the monoline insurers were downgraded and Countrywide was acquired by Bank of America [BAC 5.26 0.03 (+0.57%) ] . In June, gold rallied, picking up a lot of steam when the Federal Reserve announced that it was holding rates steady — no more cuts — at the end of June. In short, after the Fed indicated it wasn’t going to keep pushing interest rates down, the gold prices went up.
But the rally was short-lived. After the 2000 Indymac collapse and the government bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, gold started falling again. It hit it a new low for the year of $740 on the Thursday before Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.
Gold mounted a rally in September and early October. But it got crushed after the banks were rescued with TARP funds on Oct. 14.
In short, everyone who bet that government bailouts and falling interest rates would “debase” the currency and send the price of gold soaring lost a lot of money in 2008. The price of gold tended to rally when the government took no action and drop when the government acted.
Libertarian gold bugs who imagined the yellow metal was a hedge against government action were just wrong.
So now that we have Europe contemplating a new treaty to address its debt crisis, we shouldn't be surprised that gold prices are reacting this way. Gold falls when governments act in a financial crisis.

So, sementara harga emas tengah murah ni, apa kata kita ambil peluang untuk BORONG EMAS.. Tengah year end sale la katakan.. Happy gold shopping!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

FGJAM Price Update (151211)

Assalamualaikum semua,

FGJAM dah update recommended harga pasaran untuk emas.. Check this out:

So, kepada yang nak membeli emas tu, jangan lupa compare harga pasaran dengan harga yang GCPK offer terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli.. Jadilah pengguna yang bijak!

Berita Baik!!! Sudah Tiba... Emas GCP 916

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Alhamdulillah, GCP telah mencapai another milestone.. Sekarang GCP telah mengeluarkan produk emas 916 (22K) yang terdiri daripada rantai tangan & rantai leher.. Syabas GCP!!! Harga pun jauh lebih murah daripada harga pasaran..

So, nantikan entry GCP Kenyalang yang seterusnya untuk melihat koleksi barang kemas 916 GCP, ok.. Kalau nak tau, rantai tangan pasir seberat 5g pun ada.. Ini amat sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai modal yang rendah tapi mahu memulakan simpanan emas..
Sehingga kita berjumpa lagi.. Wassalam..