Thursday, 29 December 2011

Naik Turun Harga Emas Sepanjang Tahun 2011

Assalamualaikum semua,
Jom kita lihat naik turun harga emas sepanjang tahun 2011...


A - February 02, 2011 (US$1,342.4/oz)
Anti-government protests continue in Egypt, with more than 200,000 people convene in Cairo's main square, calling for President Hosni Mubarak to leave power after 30 years.

B - March 04, 2011 (US$1,434.6/oz)
Fear of a US government shutdown looms. Market concerned that the Federal Reserve policy makers may end $600B in Treasury purchases in June, without gradually pulling back on intervention in bond markets.

C - April 07, 2011 (US$1,466.2/oz)
European Central Bank raises interest rates to 1.25%.

D - May 09, 2011 (US$1,527.7/oz)
Al-Qaida vowed to keep fighting the United States and avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, which it acknowledged for the first time Friday in an Internet statement apparently designed to convince followers that it will remain vigorous and intact even after its founder's demise.

E - August 01, 2011 (US$1,633.1/oz)
Negotiations to raise the U.S. government's $14.3 trillion borrowing limit or otherwise risk default come down to the wire.

F - August 08, 2011 (US$1,721.7/oz)
S&P downgrades U.S. credit rating from AAA status.

G - August 22, 2011 (US$1,906.8/oz)
Equity markets deteriorated further as glum economic data from the past several days weighed on indices and subdued investors' appetite for risk. Market participants continue to seek safety under the auspices of gold, treasury bonds and sovereign currency (much to the dismay of Switzerland and Japan).

H - September 21, 2011 (US$1,817.8/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve launches $400bn 'Operation Twist' to try to drive down long-term interest rates and to reinvigorate the economy. The central bank said that it would buy $400bn of long-dated Treasuries, financed by the sale of an equal amount of bonds with three years or less to run.

I - November 30, 2011 (US$1,752.1/oz)
U.S. Federal Reserve coordinates move by six central banks to give European lenders cheaper access to dollars and help ease credit squeeze.

J - December 08, 2011 (US$1,757.8/oz)
ECB cuts interest rates 25 basis points; --Europe moves towards greater economic euro zone fiscal integration at crucial summit but left markets uncertain as to whether and when more decisive action would be taken to deal with the region's critical sovereign debt crisis.


Jika anda perasan, harga emas sekarang hanya sekitar US$1,550/oz.. The best time to buy and tambahkan stok emas.. Jika berminat, boleh hubungi GCP Kenyalang di 016-8691581 @ 013-9227122.. Pelbagai koleksi emas ada.. Nak gold bar 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 999 ada.. Nak barang kemas 916 ada.. Nak dinar 999 ada.. Nak beli gold bar serendah 1g pun ada.. In short, semua ada lah.. Tinggal nak pilih je.. Apa lagi, hubungi GCPK sekarang!!!

Friday, 16 December 2011

Kenapa Harga Emas Jatuh???

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

GCPK rasa mesti ramai yang tertanya-tanya kenapa harga emas sekarang tengah jatuh mendadak.. Bukankah dengan keadaan krisis ekonomi yang teruk di Eropah harga emas sepatutnya menaik??? Well, this is not the case.. Kenapa? Sebab sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa harga emas akan jatuh everytime kerajaan bertindak untuk menangani krisis ekonomi..

Di bawah ni ada artikel yang mungkin dapat menjelaskan kenapa harga emas jatuh ketika krisis ekonomi...


Investors who bought gold as a hedge against the crisis in Europe may be surprised that the price of gold is falling so rapidly. Shouldn’t the prospect of concerted action by central banks to stem a crisis in Europe send gold soaring?

Not really. A bit of history shows that gold falls when governments act to stem a financial crisis.
Take a look at what happened to gold in 2008. Here's the one-year chart for 2008, courtesy of Kitco.

There were a lot of people back then who were caught off-guard. They thought gold was the ultimate hedge against the government “printing money” in reaction to a financial meltdown. But it didn't work like that.
Gold reached its high for the year just as Bear Stearns collapsed and had to be rescued by a deal arranged by the government, which sold the firm to JPMorgan Chase [JPM 31.76 0.25 (+0.79%) ] . On March 17, gold ended the day in London at $1,011.25. If you were holding gold as a hedge against financial collapse right then you probably felt pretty good.
Then something funny happened. On March 18, the Federal Reserve [cnbc explains] cut interest rates 75 basis points. It also created the Primary Dealer Credit Facility, which allowed investment banks to trade highly rated mortgage backed securities [cnbc explains] for cash.
Obviously, this was the Fed debasing the currency to rescue banks. So gold should soar.
But that’s not what happened. On March 19, gold dropped by almost 5 percent, closing at $958.50. Then the price of gold just kept falling throughout the spring of 2008. When the Fed announced another interest rate cut on April 30, gold fell all the way down to $853.00.
That’s more than a 15 percent decline from the pre-Bear highs.
The summer of 2008 saw gold bounce a bit as the monoline insurers were downgraded and Countrywide was acquired by Bank of America [BAC 5.26 0.03 (+0.57%) ] . In June, gold rallied, picking up a lot of steam when the Federal Reserve announced that it was holding rates steady — no more cuts — at the end of June. In short, after the Fed indicated it wasn’t going to keep pushing interest rates down, the gold prices went up.
But the rally was short-lived. After the 2000 Indymac collapse and the government bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, gold started falling again. It hit it a new low for the year of $740 on the Thursday before Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.
Gold mounted a rally in September and early October. But it got crushed after the banks were rescued with TARP funds on Oct. 14.
In short, everyone who bet that government bailouts and falling interest rates would “debase” the currency and send the price of gold soaring lost a lot of money in 2008. The price of gold tended to rally when the government took no action and drop when the government acted.
Libertarian gold bugs who imagined the yellow metal was a hedge against government action were just wrong.
So now that we have Europe contemplating a new treaty to address its debt crisis, we shouldn't be surprised that gold prices are reacting this way. Gold falls when governments act in a financial crisis.

So, sementara harga emas tengah murah ni, apa kata kita ambil peluang untuk BORONG EMAS.. Tengah year end sale la katakan.. Happy gold shopping!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

FGJAM Price Update (151211)

Assalamualaikum semua,

FGJAM dah update recommended harga pasaran untuk emas.. Check this out:

So, kepada yang nak membeli emas tu, jangan lupa compare harga pasaran dengan harga yang GCPK offer terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli.. Jadilah pengguna yang bijak!

Berita Baik!!! Sudah Tiba... Emas GCP 916

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Alhamdulillah, GCP telah mencapai another milestone.. Sekarang GCP telah mengeluarkan produk emas 916 (22K) yang terdiri daripada rantai tangan & rantai leher.. Syabas GCP!!! Harga pun jauh lebih murah daripada harga pasaran..

So, nantikan entry GCP Kenyalang yang seterusnya untuk melihat koleksi barang kemas 916 GCP, ok.. Kalau nak tau, rantai tangan pasir seberat 5g pun ada.. Ini amat sesuai untuk mereka yang mempunyai modal yang rendah tapi mahu memulakan simpanan emas..
Sehingga kita berjumpa lagi.. Wassalam..

Friday, 4 November 2011

Gandakan Jumlah Emas Anda Dalam Setahun...

Assalamualaikum semua,

Alhamdulillah, semakin lama GCP Kenyalang terlibat dalam simpanan & pelaburan emas ni, semakin sayang GCPK dengan emas.. That's why GCPK telah mencari idea bagaimana nak memiliki lebih banyak emas.. Finally, GCPK telah menjumpai satu solution bagaimana nak menggandakan jumlah emas yang GCPK ada dalam masa setahun..

Anda nak tahu bagaimana??? It's all about discipline & determination.. And at the end of the day, memang berbaloi-baloi.. Kalau nak tahu dengan lebih terperinci bagaimana anda boleh menggandakan emas anda, hubungi GCPK di 016-8691581 / 013-9227122.. InsyaAllah, simpanan emas anda akan meningkat..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Harga & Spread Istimewa Untuk Pelanggan GCP Kenyalang

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera,

Khas buat semua pelanggan GCP Kenyalang, GCPK telah menetapkan spread seperti yang di bawah untuk produk-produk GCP seperti yang berikut:-

Dinar 999.9 - 12.0%
GB 10g - 7.8%
GB 20g - 6.0%
Jewelleries 999 - 10.0%

Spread ini hanya eksklusif untuk pelanggan GCPK.. So, apa lagi.. Jadilah pelanggan GCPK dan nikmati spread yang berpatutan ini.. Harga yang GCPK offer pulak semestinya rendah & irresistible.. 

Sebagai contoh, jom kita tengok harga hari ni (03/11/2011, 11.38am)..

Kami Jual (GCP) = RM2,030
Kami Jual (GCP Kenyalang) = RM1,930

Kami Beli (GCP) = RM1,730
Kami Beli (GCP Kenyalang) = RM1,780

Jadi, anda bukan saja dapat menikmati reasonable spread, harga emas yang anda beli pun rendah.. Selain itu, tiada kos tambahan & penghantaran adalah percuma!

Jika berminat atau jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, jangan malu, jangan segan, hubungi GCPK di 016-8691581 @ 013-9227122.. GCPK akan sentiasa membantu anda..

Hanya yang terbaik untuk pelanggan GCP Kenyalang..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

FGJAM Price Update (03/11/2011)

Assalamualaikum semua,

Ok, GCP Kenyalang nak update harga FGJAM yang terbaru..

So, kalau nak beli emas, compare dulu dengan harga yang GCP Kenyalang offer.. Confirm jauh lebih murah.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

FGJAM Price Update (28/09/2011)

Assalamualaikum semua,

Lama dah GCP Kenyalang tak update blog ni.. A bit busy lately.. Dah tengok harga emas??? Memang cantik! Absolutely the right time to buy.. So, harga FGJAM pun dah turun dah.. Check it out:

Still, harga yang GCPK offer jauh lebih murah daripada kedai.. Harga hari ni baru je RM189.15/g untuk jewelleries berketulenan 999 (24k).. Kalau beli jewellery 10g, dah jimat RM108.50.. Menarik kan??? Jika berminat, hubungi GCPK di 016-8691581 sekarang..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Gold Rush Leads to Bank Running Out of Safe Deposit Box Space

Assalamualaikum semua,

Ada baca The Star tak hari ni? Wah, bank-bank kat Malaysia ni dah run out of safe deposit boxes.. Siap ada waiting list lagi.. Ini semua disebabkan ramai yang membeli gold bars & jewelleries dan mereka nak simpan kat dalam safe deposit box kat bank.. Selamat la katakan.. Well, SYABAS rakyat Malaysia! Ramai dah sedar kelebihan memiliki emas..

The Star
14 September 2011

PETALING JAYA: It's now near impossible to keep your valuables and important documents in banks.

Banks have run out of safe deposit boxes, with those applying for the facility told to “wait indefinitely”.

The problem has been made more acute with many people buying gold bars and jewellery to cash in on the rising price of the commodity and looking for places to keep them safe.

Checks by The Star with several banks revealed that the waiting list for safe deposit boxes had run into the hundreds, with a Maybank branch officer in Kuala Lumpur saying there were 700 people on the list.

“I am sorry, sir, but we have no more boxes to offer. We can't give you a timeframe of when you will be able to get one,'' said a bank officer .

Association of Banks Malaysia (ABM) executive director Chuah Mei Lin said the waiting list for safe deposit boxes depended on the suitability of the bank premises in terms of location, size and security.

“Banks also have to determine if there is a requisite demand for such services within the community they serve,” she said.

Due to the problem, many people are resorting to buying safes to store their valuables.

An employee of a popular DIY shop in SS2 said more safes were being bought by customers, who included those operating businesses.

“I can sell about 10 to 20 safes each week.

“I have many people walking in to look for a good, dependable safe,” he added.

Depending on the size and make, the prices of safes start from RM500 to RM3,000 and above.

The rental charge for safe deposit boxes by banks are according to size.

A shoebox-sized box is usually rented out for about RM200 a year.

Due to the inavailability of the safe deposit boxes in banks, many private companies have sprouted up over the past few years offering the service.

One company specialising in such services, the Malaysian Royal Safe Deposit Boxes (MSDB), said it was faced with increasing requests for safe deposit boxes.

“We have many walk-in customers daily and have to add new boxes due to increasing demand,'' said a spokesman who identified himself as Dhaliwal.

Most private companies offer insurance coverage of up to RM100,000 per box, compared with about RM10,000 by banks.

The private firms usually charge higher rentals than banks for safe deposit boxes, with rent of RM290 for a standard-sized box a year.

Another such company official said the service it offered was better than banks.

“We are open round the clock throughout the week while banks operate during office hours and are closed during weekends.”

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Kitaran Harga Emas

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Hari ni GCP Kenyalang nak share sedikit sebanyak observation GCPK sendiri tentang trend harga emas.. Well, soalan yang sering ditanya oleh bakal pembeli emas semestinya ialah "bilakah masa yang sesuai nak beli emas?".. Walaupun jawapannya simple, iaitu "bila-bila masa sahaja", still, lagi best kalau dapat beli masa harga emas tengah rendah sikit kan..

So, GCPK telah come up dengan "Kitaran Harga Emas" seperti yang di bawah ni..

Bagi GCPK, bila gold price dips, rembat je seberapa banyak emas yang anda mampu.. Sebab bila harga emas dah naik menggila lagi, walaupun selepas tu berlakunya "gold dip", anda tak mungkin akan mendapat harga seperti in the previous dip.. 

Tapi, ini hanyalah personal observation GCPK ok.. So far GCPK telah berpuas hati everytime beli emas masa gold dip.. Maybe anda pun boleh try juga??? Kalau anda perasan, sekarang ni tengah gold dip..

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

FGJAM Price Update (6/9/2011)

Assalamualaikum semua,

GCP Kenyalang baru lepas check website FGJAM and guess what??? Harga semasa rupa-rupanya dah di revised lagi..

Wow wee, kat kedai emas harga untuk emas 999 ialah RM216/g.. GCP Kenyalang pulak offer hanya RM204/g untuk jewelleries.. Kalau beli rantai tangan 10g dah save RM120.. So, what say you??? Same quality but at a lesser price.. Be a smart consumer..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam.. 

FGJAM Price Update (5/9/2011)

Assalamualaikum semua,

Lama dah GCP Kenyalang tak post kat sini.. Busy berhari raya la katakan.. Hari ni GCPK nak update harga FGJAM.. Dah turun sikit dah ni..

Tapi, tunggu dulu.. Try tengok harga yang GCPK offer.. Confirm lagi rendah untuk emas 999.. So, why buy the same 999 (24k) gold pada harga yang lebih tinggi? Jadilah pengguna yang bijak.. Buying gold is smart.. But buying cheap gold is smarter..

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..  

Friday, 26 August 2011

Emas Punya Pasal...

Assalamualaikum semua,

Ni ada cerita yang agak kelakar berkaitan emas.. Disebabkan harga emas yang melonjak tinggi akhir-akhir ni, orang sanggup buat apa saja.. Even mencuri patung Buddha.. Alahai.. Macam-macam perangai manusia..

The Star

Friday August 26, 2011

Thieves in gold rush target golden Buddha

THIEVES have targeted a golden statue of Buddha or God of Mercy after the price of gold surged to a historic high, Guang Ming Daily reported.

According to the daily, thieves had been trying to scratch the surface of the statue of the God of Mercy which is located at a Buddhist association in Bahau, Negri Sembilan recently.

However, the thieves found out later that the statue was not gold plated, it reported.

The thieves, fearing that they might be punished by God, painted the statue with gold colour paint before they left.

The person-in-charge of the association also found out that another statue of the God of Mercy was missing after the incident.

“We hope that whoever took it would take good care of it,” he said.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Paradigm Shift: Emas Sebagai Simpanan, Bukan Pelaburan

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Rata-rata pembeli emas yang GCP Kenyalang perhatikan hanyalah membeli emas untuk tujuan pelaburan.. 

Beli -> Simpan -> Harga Naik -> Jual

Well, memang tak salah buat macam tu.. Of course semua orang nak untung.. Betul? Tapi lepas anda jual emas, then apa yang anda dapat??? Wang fiat bukan? Wang fiat yang susut nilainya from time to time.. Wang fiat yang nilainya ditentukan oleh kerajaan atau bank pusat.. Wang fiat yang possible untuk menjadi tidak bernilai langsung, iaitu hanya sekeping kertas.. Jadi, sebenarnya untungkah anda menjual emas yang anda miliki? Tanya diri anda sendiri.. Kalau anda rasa untung, then maksudnya anda tergolong di dalam golongan yang sayangkan wang kertas.. Bila tengok wang kertas sebanyak RM10k yang dilaburkan untuk emas jadi RM15k lepas jual emas, anda pun happy.. So, are you one of them?

Di sinilah GCPK ingin anda melakukan paradigm shift ataupun dalam bahasa Melayu nya anjakan paradigma.. Think of gold as gold, fiat money as fiat money.. Separate them.. Ok, let's say harga untuk 10g gold bar GCP ialah RM1,960 pada hari ni.. Boleh tak kalau anda lihat gold bar tersebut sebagai emas yang bernilai 10g, instead of emas yang bernilai RM1,960??? Di sini, turun naik harga emas dan spread pun anda tak kisah sebab anda dah memiliki emas 10g.. 10g of gold will always be 10g of gold.. Anytime, anywhere..

Jika anda dapat melihat from this angle, then tahniah! Anda berjaya melihat kelebihan emas yang sebenarnya dan tak mungkin anda akan menjualnya.. Tapi, what can you do kalau anda terdesak dan betul-betul perlukan wang kertas??? Well, sistem pajakan ataupun ar-rahnu kan ada.. Of course, make sure anda tebus balik..

GCPK harap GCPK dapat menyedarkan anda tentang nilai sebenar emas dan membuka hati anda untuk menyimpan emas.. Emas untuk disimpan, bukan untuk dijadikan medium untuk mendapat lebih banyak wang fiat.. Jadi, simpanlah seberapa banyak emas yang anda mampu.. GCPK yakin anda tidak akan menyesal..

Sad to say, golongan Bumiputera memang tak ramai yang memiliki emas.. What about the Chinese??? GCPK rasa anda pun tahu jawapannya.. Look around you.. Rata-rata kedai emas yang ada kat Malaysia ni siapa yang punya? Well, diorang memang dah lama sedar yang gold is asset, especially yang purity nya 999 (24K).. That's why emas yang diorang jual mostly emas 916 (22K).. Teringat zaman GCPK still budak-budak lagi.. Baru darjah 4.. My Chinese teacher pernah mention her mother-in-law mewariskan jongkong emas untuk setiap seorang anak nya.. Wow!!! Beruntung badan.. See betapa celik emas nya golongan ni??? And that was nearly 2 decades ago.. Fuh, celik emas sejak zaman azali lagi.. Hebat!

But well, it's better late than never.. Start collecting your gold now.. And sayangilah emas anda.. Cos once anda jual, you'll never know whether you can have it back again.. Lagipun emas boleh diwarisi turun-temurun dan nilainya tetap sama..

Hmm.. Let's say one day currency seluruh dunia collapse, agak-agak apa yang kita boleh guna untuk sistem jual beli??? Di sinilah kita boleh lihat kelebihan pemilik emas.. Rasulullah s.a.w. pun dah bersabda supaya simpan emas.. That's why GCPK tak ragu-ragu tentang kelebihan menyimpan emas ni..

Diharap artikel ini dapat mengubah mindset anda terhadap emas daripada untuk pelaburan semata-mata kepada simpanan yang menjamin masa depan anda.. Jangan sandarkan emas anda kepada nilai wang kerana salah satu keunikan emas ialah ianya bernilai on its own..

Sekian saja.. Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri yang akan menjelang tiba tak lama lagi.. Semoga bergembira.. Wassalam..

Monday, 22 August 2011

FGJAM Price Update (20/08/2011)

Assalamualaikum semua,

Ok, nak bagitau anda semua yang FGJAM dah naikkan lagi recommended retail gold price untuk kali ketiga bulan ni..

So, kepada sesiapa yang berhajat nak membeli emas 999 tu, jangan lupa check harga yang GCP Kenyalang offer.. Confirm lagi rendah daripada retail price.. Nak gold bar ada, dinar ada, nak jewelleries pun ada.. Beli emas memang bijak, tapi kalau beli emas MURAH, laaaaagi bijak.. Betul???

Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Friday, 19 August 2011

Buy Gold

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Kali ni GCP Kenyalang nak share satu artikel, published by Wealth Daily...

Buy Gold
By Brian Hicks | Tuesday, August 16th, 2011
It's been exactly 40 years since Nixon abandoned the gold standard, making your money only as valuable as the hope behind it.nixon gold
While that single pen stroke was a death blow for the dollar — and has led us down a path of fiscal ruin culminating in the downgrading of our debt — one fact remains clear...
No matter how eroded the dollar's value... No matter who's in power... No matter what kind of inane monetary policy is being forced down our throats by Congress and the Fed...
Gold remains the world's go-to currency.
I know this because with each piece of grim financial news, gold ticks higher — all the way to $1,800 per ounce last week.
And this won't stop anytime soon. Major banks are calling for $2,500 per ounce this year...
I think it'll go much higher than that.
Which is why for the past decade, I've been telling anyone who would listen to buy gold.
That advice still stands.
Because as market volatility turns into outright chaos, there's only one asset you'll want to own.
Gold is already climbing by $50 per day. In fact, a $100 move in one day isn't out of the question; we've actually been predicting that for years now.
Every day you wait to own gold means leaving those gains on the table.
Trust me, you don't want to wait any longer.

To your wealth,
Brian Hicks
Publisher, Wealth Daily
Kepada yang belum start memiliki emas, bertindaklah sekarang.. Facts & figures dah membuktikan yang gold is the real money.. Jadikanlah emas salah satu aset anda.. Sekarang ni emas is still considered as mampu milik.. What about 2, 3 years from now??? No.. Let me rephrase.. What about one year from now???
Hari ni je harga emas dah mencatat rekod baru at more than US$1,835/oz, which is more or less RM176/g.. Tak mustahil it will reach US$1,900/oz by end of this year..
Beli emas.. Beli emas.. Beli emas.. Itulah nasihat GCPK buat anda semua.. Gold price waits for no man.. Sekian saja.. Wassalam..

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Is Gold Money?

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat para pembaca blog GCPKenyalang.... Actually GCPK came across this article today.... Pasal Is Gold Money?? Ramai gak pembaca kat luar sana yang still confuse antara fiat money and gold.... Yang mana lebih bernilai?? So.... kalau pembaca nak tau.... teruskan membaca... Just for your reading pleasure.... 

Is Gold Money?

Ben Bernanke was asked recently by Congressmen Ron Paul, "Do you think gold is money?"  The Chairman of the Federal Reserve System paused and said, "No". His response lit up the message boards of gold bugs, conservatives, and Tea Party Members.

I literally wrote the book on gold, "The New Gold Standard,” so I'd like to take a shot at answering Ron Paul’s question. Ben Bernanke was correct! Gold is not money. Not if you define money as a medium of exchange. There are few places in the world where you can buy goods with gold, whereas almost any nation will accept dollars.

Why? Gold is outlawed as a medium of exchange in almost every nation. Legal tender laws declare that only government paper currencies are a legal medium of exchange. The current move toward the accumulation of gold by individuals, institutions, and governments throughout the world is challenging that decree, as many move away from paper money toward gold as an alternative money.  Many are growing suspicious of paper money as a credible medium of exchange.

There is a reason gold served as a medium of exchange on and off for over five thousand years. It possesses certain qualities that make it uniquely suitable to serve as a medium of exchange. One of those qualities is its historic ability to preserve value against other goods. Silver is another metal that accomplishes this.

For example, we complain about the high price of gas, but gas is actually cheap. Would you believe that a gallon of gas only costs about a dime? It does. It costs 1/10th of an ounce of silver. At $37 for an ounce for silver, one tenth of that, or one thin new dime is worth $3.70, or about what the national average price of gas is. If we were on the gold standard, silver coins, which were a part of that standard originally, would be in use today, and gas would cost the American consumer the same as it did a hundred years ago.

Instead, the paper dollar created under the Federal Reserve System has lost 97% of its purchasing power. So yes Mr. Bernanke, you are correct. Gold is not money. And neither is silver. But should it be? Only if you want money you can trust. The gold standard is a monetary system whose lasting integrity is based on something that politicians cannot devalue.

That is of course the answer Mr. Bernanke should have, but never will, give.

Paul Nathan
Aug 14, 2011

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Saranan Salleh - Multiply Property Value by Investing in Gold

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera buat para pembaca setia blog GCPKenyalang.... Kali nie nak share pembaca satu artikel dari Utusan Malaysia..... For those yang interested nak diversify your investment in gold, x rugi baca artikel nie..... Just for your reading pleasure.....

Utusan Malaysia

Saranan Salleh - Multiply property value by investing in gold

For the first time in history, the price of gold surpasses US$1,800 per ounce. This follows the concern of the United States investors after the debt limit of the country has been increased for the 75th time and the quantitative relief will be done again.

Gold is seen as a safe investment since the government is incapable to overcome its economic problem.

The investors’ action has caused the Certified Gold Exchange and J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. updated the projection of the increase in gold price to US$2,500 per ounce.

So far Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain and Italy has undergone deficit problem and the entry of Italy, the third largest economy in Europe has increased the concern of investors. Since the last 10 years, the price of gold has increased 700 percent. The investors’ fear not only confined to what is happening in the United State but also spread to the Euro debt.

Last week, we were shocked by the tumble of the world share market prices, not only the United States but also Europe and Asia, with its market capitalization wiped out by US$4.4 trillion. Although the decision of the Federal Reserve in America not to increase interest rate for the time being put some relief in the market basically, America and Europe are still weak.

Despite the fall in Malaysia in term of percentage still low compared with other bourses, it is estimated that RM91 billion has been wiped out in our capital market value. When the share market plunged, investors run away to look for safer sanctuary and one of it is gold. In Malaysia, investment in gold is yet to make much headway especially among the Malays.

Most Malays like to buy jewelry mix with other metals and not the gold bullion where it its authenticity level is 999.99. When the jewelry is sold back, a discount of 30 to 40 percent is imposed from the current price. As such, it is better to invest in gold which has 999.99 authenticity level. Those who are interested, they can have gold coin through Maybank and saving book through Public Bank.

I would like to suggest that cooperatives invest in gold. We see that five years ago, the price of gold per ounce was US$520 and today it reaches up to US$1,800. This is not only a lucrative investment to the cooperatives but also its members. Membership of cooperatives in the country is no less than eight million. It is true that the arRahnu system has long been created as Islamic pawn broking system and the pledgers get up to 65 percent of the actual value of the gold being pawn. At the same time the management fee of between 0.5 and one percent is charged for a maximum rate for the period of six months.

For the cooperatives, they can give loans to buy gold to be kept as collateral and its members given 65 percent of the gold value kept and they can charge minimal interest far lower than the fees for safe-keep under arRahnu. We have the only cooperative which is linked to several other well managed cooperatives and very tactful in its investment portfolio, that is Angkasa. Angkasa can take the initial steps which will benefit the substantial number of cooperative members in the country. The Malays has not been keen on the investment of pure gold and many have been influenced for investment in FOREX which high risk.

The only bumiputera firm involve in the sale and purchase of gold is Serambi Emas, which has access to the London Gold Bullion Market and gold markets in Switzerland, Japan, Australia and Dubai.

Information session on gold investment is being actively organized to increase awareness of the society in gold investment trade. This is the only chance for the Malays to multiply the value of their properties. Past efforts have shown that we have not gone that far in term of wealth ownership.

DATO’ SALLEH MAJID is former President of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now Bursa Malaysia)

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Gold Prediction for Next Week Trading

Assalamalaikum dan salam sejahtera buat para pembaca blog GCP Kenyalang....

Hari Khamis lepas kita dah tengok harga emas telah memecah rekod dengan harga tertinggi mencecah USD1817.60 an ounce!! Seterusnya pada hari Jumaat pula, harga emas ditutup pada harga USD1746.30 an ounce... Penyusutan harga emas sebanyak 3.92% in one day trading.... So, ramai yang tertanya-tanya apakah trend harga emas untuk minggu depan.....

Bullish?? Bearish?? Or sideway?? Hmmm..... Menurut survey yang dikendalikan oleh Kitco, majoriti participant menjangkakan harga emas akan turun disebabkan oleh tindakan CME Group's untuk menaikkan margin levels for gold futures trading sebanyak 22%.... Disebabkan oleh kenaikan margin levels ini, para pelabur emas telah mengambil kesempatan dengan menjual balik emas dalam usaha untuk memaksimumkan profit taking.....

Siapalah pulak CME Group's nie?? sesuka hati jer naikkan margin level and tak pasal2 pulak affect harga emas.... Well, if pembaca nak tau, CME's Group (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) ni adalah US leading commodity exchange for metals futures and options trading.... Dipendekkan cita, CME Group's ni adalah platform trading untuk para pelabur dalam aktiviti jual beli "precious metal"....

Haaa...... dalam masa harga emas dah mula naik nie.... bukan setakat pelabur je nak untung lebih tau.... trading platform pun nak "piece of the pie" jugak..... ehehehehe

So, buat para pembaca setia blog GCPK kat luar tu.... kalau harga emas dah mula turun.... jangan tunggu lagi... teruslah beli emas..... jangan sampai harga emas naik lagi baru nak beli....


Saturday, 13 August 2011

US Debt Crisis - 2012 is only for America

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Hari ni GCP Kenyalang nak share satu video yang amat menarik tentang krisis hutang di Amerika Syarikat.. Enjoy!!!

Dahsyat kan keadaan krisis hutang di Amerika??? Dah la it's affecting the whole world.. That's why China nak global reserve currency yang baru untuk menggantikan US Dollars.. Hmm.. I really wonder macam mana US nak solve their problem.. 

So, anda dah tengok bagaimana nilai mata wang boleh jatuh??? Itulah al-kisah yang boleh berlaku kepada fiat money.. Boleh dicetak sesuka hati & nilainya ditentukan oleh kerajaan yang memerintah.. Last last, jadi tak bernilai..

Ramai pelabur dah buka mata and do not really trust paper money anymore.. And what do they turn to??? Tak lain dan tak bukan, EMAS.. 

Rasulullah s.a.w. kan dah pesan supaya kita simpan emas sebab there'll come a day di mana kita dah tak dapat gunakan apa-apa lagi dah kecuali emas dan perak.. So, still berkira-kira nak beli emas lagi ke???

Based on Kitco Survey, next week harga emas mungkin akan turun.. Kalau betul la turun, ni memang berita gembira untuk kita semua.. Masa untuk menambah collection.. Hehehe.. Tak nak rebut peluang keemasan ini ke??? Bertindak dengan bijak, ok..

Sekian saja.. Selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa.. Wassalam..

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Indians hold gold worth $1 trillion

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua...

Kali ni, GCPK nak share artikel pasal simpanan emas oleh rakyat India.... India??? Hmmm.... Biar betul.... selama nie yang kita tau pasal India pun, Bollywood, Mollywood, Slumdog Millionaire.... tak pun Shah Rukh Khan... Betul tak... tak tau plak pasal simpanan emas oleh rakyat India... Tak sangka plak negara yang terkenal dengan isu kemiskinan ini, rupa-rupanya merupakan negara yang mempunyai simpanan eams yang banyak oleh penduduknya.... So, sama-samalah kita membaca.....

Indians hold gold worth $1 trillion

If gold is considered as a symbol of prosperity and good fortune, then definitely Indians are prosperous. If the entire gold holdings in the country is sold off, each Indian citizen will get over Rs 37,000 at the current price level of Rs 25,000 per 10 grams.
After the sizzling rally in the yellow metal in the last two years, the total value of the gold holdings in the country — estimated at around 18,000 tonnes — has zoomed to around Rs 45,00,000 crore ($1 trillion). For 121-crore strong Indian population, this works out to around Rs 1.5 lakh per household of four members. This is also equivalent to around 71 per cent of India’s market capitalisation of listed shares and 66 per cent of total GDP.
According to the World Gold Council, Indians hold the largest stock of gold in the world — 18,000 tonnes of which is held by Indian households. It is estimated that 7 per cent of India’s $256 billion in total household savings is currently held in gold, WGC says. And demand is increasing. “Nearly 50 per cent of the population is under 25 and there will be approximately 15 million weddings per annum over the next decade. Gold will continue to form an integral part of weddings. This will drive approximately 500 tonnes (Rs 1 trillion at the prevailing gold price and exchange rate) of new gold demand per annum, together with a further 500 tonnes of existing gold being gifted by one family to the next, WGC says.

P/s:- 18,000 tonnes of gold = USD1 Trillion...... Hutang US pulak dah sampai USD14 Trillion.... maknanya, US Reserve kena ada 252,000 tonnes of gold untuk langsaikan hutang kreditnya.... Banyak tuuuu!!!!!

So, untuk pembaca setia blog GCPK, apa tunggu lagi.... Harga emas dijangka naik lagi.... almaklumlah tak lama lagi wedding season kat India.... time nie lah bakal-bakal pengantin yang merangkumi separuh dari 1.2 billion penduduk India akan memborong emas!!!! Meaning, banyak demand = harga emas naik!!!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Rekod Baru!!! Welcome US$1,782.50/oz...

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera semua,

Harga emas dah mencipta rekod baru iaitu pada paras US$1,782.50 around pukul 5++ petang tadi.. Tapi, kalau anda semua nak tau, harga emas sebenarnya belum lagi sampai harga tertingginya yang sebenar.. Pada 21 Januari 1980, harga emas telah mencapai US$825.50.. So, kalau include inflation bagi 2011 US Dollars, harga sebenarnya ialah an all-time record of US$2,261.33/oz!!! What???

Ok, back to rekod yang dicipta pada hari ni.. Ada beberapa sebab kenapa emas naik menggila hari ni.. At the same time, pasaran saham pun susut mendadak..

1. Disebabkan penurunan penarafan hutang U.S. pada hari Jumaat lalu daripada AAA kepada AA+.. Ini mencetuskan kebimbangan mengenai kedudukan ekonomi terbesar dunia itu serta prospek ekonomi negara global lain yang bakal terjejas.. So what do investors turn to??? Simple.. Gold..
2. Strong Asian gold demand dan juga pembelian emas yang berterusan oleh Central Banks..
3. Europian Union masih lagi berdepan dengan krisis hutang yang semakin meningkat..

Emas ialah aset yang kukuh sekarang, sama seperti 2,000 tahun yang lepas.. Bak kata Jono Remington-Hobbs (precious metals analyst):

"An ounce of gold would have bought you a great suit then; it would buy you a great suit now..." 

Well, harga emas dah turun sikit sekarang ni.. Around US$1,730+.. Kalau nak beli esok pagi, should be a good idea.. What say you???

FGJAM Price Update (09/08/2011)

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Dah tengok harga emas??? Wow!!! Dah mencecah lebih daripada US$1,750/oz.. So, dengan kenaikan harga emas ini, FGJAM pun dah revise recommended retail gold price seperti yang berikut..

Kalau nak tau, harga ni lah yang kedai-kedai emas guna as guideline untuk jual produk emas diorang.. Kalau beli dari GCP Kenyalang, confirm below RM190/g.. Kalau beli 10g je pun dah jimat lebih daripada RM100.. Jadi, yang mana satu pilihan anda??? Buatlah pilihan dengan bijak.. Sekian saja.. Selamat berpuasa!!!

Gold Price May Rise Further

The Star

Investors find ‘safe haven’ in precious metal

KUALA LUMPUR: The price of gold may surge further following Standard & Poor's (S&P) downgrade on US credit ratings as investors look for a “safe haven” in the precious metal.

The price of gold climbed above US$1,700 an ounce yesterday following the downgrade of long-term US credit rating.

“The unprecedented S&P downgrade sent shock waves over global equities and commodities markets, driving gold prices to record highs as investors sought the bullion as a safe haven,” said Phillip Futures Pte Ltd analyst Ong Yi Ling.

The next key focus would be on the Federal Open Market Committee meeting scheduled for today. Investors are looking for indications from the Federal Reserve's policy setting committee on its next course of action.

“We expect the Fed to continue its low interest rates, but the wild card would be hints of possible future quantitative easing measures which would benefit gold prices,” said Ong.

Singapore-based Phillip Futures also raised its year-end target of gold to US$1,800 an ounce, with anticipated slower US economic growth coupled with Europe's sovereign debt problems.

“Gold price has gone up by 14% since July, and the market may claw back some of its gains in the near term as the sudden surge in price may just be a knee jerk reaction towards recent developments,” Ong said.

Meanwhile, a Singapore-based head of bullion said gold price might still have some upside amid global economic uncertainties, with the price for the precious metal likely to hover around US$1,800 an ounce by year-end.

“Market talk is that prices may hit US$2,000 by year-end, but personally I would not be so bullish, as we are currently at the crossroads; if the economy starts to shrink, gold prices would follow suit,” he said.

p/s: Harga emas sekarang still berada pada paras US$1,720+/oz.. So, tak nak beli emas ke???

Monday, 8 August 2011

World's Gold Holder

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera..

Nak tau negara mana yang memiliki paling banyak emas (gold reserve)? Kat bawah ni top 10 list of world's largest gold holder:

1.   USA               8,133.5 tons
2.   Germany      3,406.8 tons
3.   IMF               3,005.3 tons
4.   Italy               2,451.8 tons
5.   France           2,435.4 tons
6.   China             1,054.1 tons
7.   Switzerland   1,040.1 tons
8.   Russia               775.2 tons
9.   Japan                765.2 tons
10. Netherlands    615.5 tons
47. Malaysia             36.4 tons 

Apakah maksud "gold reserve"? Gold reserve ialah emas yang dimiliki oleh central bank ataupun negara sebagai penyimpan nilai dan juga sebagai jaminan untuk membayar peminjam, ataupun untuk melindungi matawang.

Sekian saja untuk hari ini.. Selamat berpuasa..

Krisis Ekonomi Global Dorong Pelabur Pilih Emas

Berita Harian

ISU ketidakseimbangan global sering di kaitkan dengan kedudukan defisit akaun semasa Amerika Syarikat (AS) serta pelarasan yang seharusnya berlaku terhadap kadar tukaran wang asing global khususnya bagi negara Asia.

Kebimbangan ini berdasarkan risiko terhadap aliran modal masuk yang selama ini menjadi tonggak kepada imbangan pembayaran AS.

Jika berlaku pengeluaran aliran modal secara besar-besaran, maka ia akan memberi kemudaratan kepada ekonomi AS, sekali gus kepada ekonomi dunia.

Terdapat kajian akademik yang mencadangkan supaya pelarasan ini perlu berlaku melalui penyusutan nilai mata wang asing AS, diikuti peningkatan nilai mata wang negara lain khususnya Asia.

Ia berdasarkan fakta bahawa kebanyakan negara Asia mempunyai lebihan akaun semasa yang tinggi berikutan nilai eksportnya yang sentiasa melebihi import.

Justeru, pelbagai kritikan dilemparkan terhadap mata wang Asia khususnya China supaya nilainya dinaikkan ke paras lebih sesuai.

Padahal, kebanyakan negara barat seperti AS, Greece dan Portugal mempunyai pegangan emas yang tinggi, sekali gus menandakan nilai sokongan terhadap mata wang ini adalah kukuh memandangkan ia bersandarkan kepada satu nilai yang tinggi.

Perangkaan terbaru di keluarkan World Gold Council (WGC) menunjukkan peratusan pegangan emas terhadap rizab antarabangsa bagi negara seperti Portugal, Greece dan AS masing-masing adalah 81.0 peratus, 79.3 peratus dan 74.6 peratus pada suku pertama 2011.

Situasi ini amat berbeza jika di bandingkan dengan negara Asia yang mana pegangan emasnya adalah jauh lebih rendah, iaitu sekitar 0.0 peratus hingga 8.4 peratus.

Persoalannya, adakah ketidakseimbangan global hanya perlu di selesaikan melalui pelarasan dalam kadar tukaran asing semata-mata?

Perlukah bank pusat Asia mula meningkatkan pegangan emasnya bagi memastikan mata wang masing-masing sentiasa di sokong oleh satu nilai yang kukuh?

Bagi persoalan pertama, sudah tentu pelarasan mata wang bukan jalan penyelesaian mutlak. Perubahan struktur ekonomi di AS juga perlu berlaku seperti peningkatan kadar tabungan serta nilai eksport bagi memperbaiki ketidakseimbangan global ini.

Pastinya, proses itu akan mengambil masa panjang memandangkan saiz perbelanjaan swasta AS yang besar, iaitu sekitar 70 peratus sejak 1929.

Bagi persoalan kedua pula, usaha untuk meningkatkan pegangan emas oleh bank pusat di Asia perlu di lihat sebagai langkah bijak berikutan pelaburan dalam sekuriti hutang seperti bil perbendaharaan AS tidak stabil.

Perkara itu penting kerana setiap wang yang diterbitkan bank pusat adalah liabiliti yang di sandarkan kepada nilai asetnya.

Jika aset itu tidak mempunyai nilai stabil, maka sokongan atau sandaran wang yang di keluarkan juga adalah lemah.

Umum mengetahui, harga emas mencatatkan nilai tertinggi pada paras AS$1,600 seauns baru-baru ini.

Terdapat beberapa faktor penyumbang terhadap kenaikan harga emas seperti inflasi yang tinggi serta ketidakpastian ekonomi global seperti krisis hutang negara Eropah yang mampu menggugat pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia.

Faktor seperti permintaan dan penawaran juga memainkan peranan penting dalam penentuan harga emas.

Pada 2010, permintaan emas mencatatkan pertumbuhan 9.8 peratus berbanding pertumbuhan penawaran emas iaitu 1.8 peratus.

Kebanyakan permintaan emas ini adalah bagi tujuan barang kemas yang mewakili 51 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan permintaan.

Selebihnya, adalah untuk pelaburan iaitu 37 peratus dan penggunaan industri dan pergigian yang mewakili 12 peratus daripada keseluruhan permintaan.

Justeru, prospek bagi harga emas adalah baik memandangkan permintaannya yang tinggi serta kedudukannya sebagai pelindung nilai terhadap inflasi dan ketidakpastian dalam suasana pelaburan dunia.

Berdasarkan ini, dolar AS masih di anggap mempunyai nilai sandaran yang baik memandangkan pegangan emas bank pusat adalah tinggi.

Justeru, andaian bahawa penurunan nilai dolar AS seperti yang di sarankan oleh pihak tertentu, mungkin tidak akan berlaku secara mendadak.

Di samping itu, bank pusat Asia mungkin perlu memikirkan strategi untuk meningkatkan pegangan emas memandangkan ketidaktentuan pasaran serta kitaran perniagaan yang semakin pendek akan menjejaskan nilai pegangan sekuriti hutang kerajaan negara maju.

Penulis ialah Penganalisis Ekonomi Malaysian Rating Corporation Bhd